- If you're on a long journey and accidental path winding and driver menyupir at an alarming rate , often you will be at risk of motion sickness.
When drunk this way , the body feels very weak and unhealthy. You will definitely feel the nausea and sweating profusely appear. It is often so painful and you need an outlet to vomit. To accelerate the healing journey when you are drunk , there are some foods that can be consumed so that you can feel better after a hangover , as quoted
Some of these foods are
1. Honey and lemon water
Honey and lemon are two of the best natural ingredients to neutralize poison , cure disease , or unwell , one of which is motion sickness. If you've arrived home , you should immediately take the honey and squeeze of lemon juice mixed with cold water to taste. Drink away little by little.
2. Coconut water
Coconut water is also an excellent natural remedy especially the killing of various diseases , neutralize toxins and strengthen the immune system. So , if drunk , try drinking fresh coconut water straight from the coconut and drunk will quickly subside.
3. Orange juice
In the stomach , gastric acid will accumulate and make you drunk. But after that , you can drink taste like sour but fresh orange juice as this will make your mouth feel fresher and relieve nausea.
4. Ginger
Ginger is one of the medicinal plants are known to be very well cope with nausea , indigestion , constipation , bloating , and various other digestive problems. You can brew ginger that has digeprak or cut into pieces and taken with honey.
5. Bananas
Bananas , one of the fruits that are good for this diet also has a good role in restoring vitality after a drunk. Bananas have a number of high potassium and protein , which will restore your body's need for minerals and nutrients lost another wasted. Eating bananas 1-2 pieces and it will be able to reduce nausea and restore your energy.
So , if you are on the way , prepare drinks or food on top to avoid a hangover or just in case if there is a family member who is drunk